
Published May 21, 2024

A library card can save you money in more ways than you think

Save money with a library card

Money is tight for a lot of people these days, which means we’re always looking for new ways to save. Libraries are an amazing resource that can help you pinch pennies without having to give up on luxuries you have come to love! 

Here are 11 ways your library card can save you money in surprising ways:

1. Borrow instead of buying

It's no secret you can borrow books for free, but libraries stock a wide selection of items you can enjoy without having to buy. This includes audiobooks, movies, video games, CDs, and even board games. 

Many libraries, like the Barrie Public Library, also have a Library of Things where you can borrow tools, fishing gear, instruments, and even telescopes!

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2. Try before you buy

Have you ever bought something you just had to have but only used it a few times before it got tossed in a corner somewhere to collect dust? It can feel like a big waste of money months later, but at the time it felt like a great buy. 

If you find yourself lusting for a new gadget or game, check out the library to see if they have one you can borrow, like a board or video game, or use on site, like a sewing machine, cricut or 3D printer. That way you can be sure it’s a good fit before you invest. 

3. Save on streaming and pay-per-view

Before subscribing to a streaming service or buying/renting a digital copy, head to the library to see if they have the movie or tv show you’re looking for. They also have a digital library where you can stream movies and shows on your computer or mobile device – all for no cost. 

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4. Free park admissions

Enjoy a day out without breaking the bank! The Barrie Public Library has passes for Ontario Parks and Wye Marsh that you can borrow for up to one week at a time. Depending on where you plan to go, your library card can save you up to $48 in admission fees.   

5. Attend fun programs and workshops without paying to participate

There are tons of clubs, workshops and programs to sign up for across Barrie. The problem is that many of them come with a fee, and when you’re on a budget it can be hard to find the funds for fun. The good news is, the Barrie Public Library hosts a variety of free programs and events for all ages. 

From story times and movie nights to networking or crafting meetups, there are lots of great ways to get involved and stay entertained when using a library card to save money.

6. Level up your skills with free online courses 

From fitness classes on Learn It Live to music lessons with ArtistWorks and language learning on Transparent Language, the Barrie Public Library offers tons of free online courses to help you develop new skills and knowledge.

7. Affordable printing

If you don’t have a printer at home, printing out resumes, shipping labels, brochures and homework can get costly. The price per page at local office stores starts at $0.22 for black & white. This can quickly increase depending on the project and if you need to use coloured ink. At the Barrie Public Library, you can print black & white or colour for $0.20 per page, regardless of the project. You can even upload documents online for remote printing. 

8. Free tutoring

If you or a family member is struggling with homework, you can get help. And you can do it without stressing over the cost of a private tutor, who average $21 per hour. Library resources like Brainfuse provide on-demand tutoring, practice tests, and career advice—all for free! 

Librarians are also happy to assist with research and finding relevant materials.

9. Free study rooms and workspaces

Need a quiet space to work or study? Libraries offer designated areas for drop-ins and reservations, perfect for getting things done without the distractions of a coffee shop. Best of all, if you need to do research or have any questions, you have a wealth of resources only a few steps away!

10. Give old items new life

The library hosts regular Repair Cafés in collaboration with Living Green Barrie. During these events, volunteer fixers will repair your broken household items for free. It's a sustainable way to save money and extend the life of your belongings.

If you have bigger projects or want to try fixing items yourself, you can also borrow various tools  and repair kits. 

11. Get free coaching for tech, business and more

The librarians at the Barrie Public Library are a wealth of knowledge! Book a free coaching session to get help with technology challenges, researching your family history, or learning more about the library's Cricut cutting machines and more. 

By taking full advantage of a library card, you can save significant amounts of money on entertainment, education, and everyday needs. 

So why not explore what your library has to offer and unlock a world of savings today?

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