Launched in 2020 by Sharon Smith of Connect Hair Studio in Barrie, the 2023 edition of the Raw and Reflective calendars raised $23,360.00 for Gilda's Club Simcoe Muskoka.
Raw and Reflective features intimate images of cancer survivors for each month of the year who share their stories.
"It was about 2019 after Sharon overheard other individuals on a flight talking about how they're doing a fundraising calendar," says Lybbi Torrance, events coordinator at Gilda's Club. "Sharon is in the hair industry and works with individuals who have been impacted by cancer and dealing with different hairstyles as a result of their cancer diagnosis."
In the four years the calendars have been sold, nearly $100,000 has been raised, critical funds for an organization that receives no government funding and runs solely on the generosity of the community.
According to Torrance, Gilda's Club sees about two new memberships each day, Monday to Friday.
If there was a silver lining to the pandemic, the organization took its programming online and has maintained a hybrid version ever since.
In fact, Torrance says they have a member who lives in Ottawa and several others who are in Grey Bruce.
"Our geographical footprint has definitely expanded since moving some of our programming online."
Behind the red door at Gilda's Club, programs and services are available to more than just those individuals with cancer.
"What's really nice about Gilda's Club is that we're not just supporting the people who have been diagnosed with cancer but also the people who are supporting those people, because it does take a community to support someone when they are going through a really impactful time," says Torrance. "We offer all kinds of different programming for grief and caregivers, and trying to build relationships among our members."
A cheque presentation from the sale of the 2023 Raw and Reflective calendars took place at Barrie City Hall earlier this week.
More about Gilda's Club: https://gildasclubsimcoemuskoka.org/
Banner image - L to R, Aaron Lutes, executive director, Gilda's Club, Sharon Smith, Connect Hair Studio, Joanna Shaw/Matthew Shaw, JMS Law. Image by Patricia Dent