If you love history, you'll definitely want to check out this YouTube channel which explores WWII week by week in real-time.
The Channel, aptly named World War Two, uploads a weekly video explaining what happened during that same time period in the second world war. They began uploading videos 3 years ago covering the very first week of the war when Germany began their invasion of Poland (although, they have re-uploaded several older videos to be higher quality so the dates don't match anymore). They plan to continue for another few years (the show is currently on January 22, 194), uploading videos every single week until the war was finally over on September 2, 1945.
Along with the main series, which also utilized historical footage from the time and animated maps, there are tons of extra videos covering everything from the key figures of the war and the weapons and technology that made this the deadliest conflict in human history. They also have crossover episodes with other YouTube history channels and a special "Between 2 Wars" series which explores what exactly happened after World War 1 that helped push the world to the brink of war for the second time in less than 30 years.
The channel is truly exhaustive in its efforts to relay the history of the world wars and following along at the same pace as the real war would have raged is a truly unique endeavour.
There have been some fantastic documentary series covering the second world war in the past, and there are also currently two series you can stream right now on Netflix, WWII in Color: Road to Victory and Greatest Events of WWII in Color. However, with over 30 hours in the main series alone (and all of it completely free), World War 2 In Real-Time is definitely the most in-depth exploration of the war we've ever seen.
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History Buffs, jump into their past episodes to catch up and start following along before the war is over (Though, you have a couple of years).
Featured image: World War Two via YouTube.com