Automated speed enforcement (ASE) is coming to the Town of Innisfil to help improve road safety in select community safety zones. ASE is an automated system that uses a camera and speed measurement device to enforce speed limits and promote safer driver habits.
Community safety zones are designated through a municipal by-law that identifies them as a road segment of higher risk or concern. Many community safety zones are located close to schools. Innisfil will use one camera, rotating it through community safety zones every few months. The first location of the speed camera will be at Jans Boulevard, south of Westmount Avenue near Nantyr Shores Secondary School. Future ASE locations may include:
- 20th Sideroad south of Killarney Beach Road near Killarney Beach Public School
- Innisfil Beach Road east of 20th Sideroad near Alcona Glen Elementary School
- King Street north of Kidd’s Lane near Cookstown Central Public School
These initial locations were selected for ASE based on a data-driven analysis that considered the severity of speeding in the area and other factors such as traffic volumes, collision history, and site suitability. As such, these sites are subject to change and other sites may be added throughout the ASE program.
“Coming soon” signs will be installed at least 90 days before the speed camera is activated to provide drivers with advance notice. Once the ASE camera is tested and activated, these signs will be replaced with a “Municipal Speed Camera in Use” sign.
ASE cameras are just as accurate at detecting speed as traditional speed measurement devices used by police. Like speeding tickets issued by police officers, the fine will be based on how much the driver was exceeding the speed limit, in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act.
To learn more about the use of ASE in Innisfil, please visit