A drone in the air and two members of the Barrie Fire department's high-angle rescue crew were called into action at an 11-storey apartment tower under construction at 37 Johnson Street in the city's east end.
Deputy Fire Chief Carrie Clark tells Barrie 360 that around 10:30 on Tuesday night the remote monitoring company at the construction scene had visuals of people climbing the crane ladder, and they wanted fire and police to check it out.
"We put the drone up to be able to see the overall site and see if we could see any person on the site," Clark explained. "Then we sent two of our high-angle rescue crew members up to the crane to make sure there hadn't been any damage done."
Clark says they got in touch with the monitoring company that reported they couldn't see anyone else from their cameras.

"We didn't see anyone on the site with our heat signature on our drone, and our crews that climbed up to the cross angles of the crane didn't find anybody."

The scene was cleared around midnight.