On Friday, May 10, 2024, the Barrie Police Service held its annual Awards Ceremony, where exemplary service and acts that included lifesaving, bravery and formal commendation were recognized. The awards were handed out by Barrie Police Chief Rich Johnston and Chair of the Police Services Board Greg Ferguson in a ceremony that was held at the Mapleview Community Church.
Police Officers and Special Constables become eligible to receive the Police and Peace Officer Exemplary Service Medal after 20 years of service. The following members received this recognition:
20 Year Police Officer Exemplary Service Medal
- Constable Andrew Young
- Constable Melanie Turner
- Constable Lyndsay White
- Constable Gregory Johnston
- Sergeant Tanya Lynch
- Sergeant Chris Jackson
- Sergeant Trevor Marsh
- Sergeant Andrew Pye
- Constable Gary McAloney
- Constable Derek Rose
- Constable Robin Dore
- Constable Rebecca Henderson
- Constable Stuart Fehrman
- Constable Derek Kelk
- Constable Darryl Van Loosen
20 Year Peace Officer Exemplary Service Medal
- Special Constable Dave McColl
- Special Constable Tom McOuat
An integral part of every police service is the civilian members who contribute on a daily basis to the overall success of the organization by performing a wide variety of duties and tasks.
Civilian Service Pin – 20 Years
- Audrey Gastmeier
- Kristen Evans
- Jennifer Mayo
- Julie-Lynn Thomas
- Bobbi Robinson
- Jill Edwards
Civilian Service – 10 Year Pin
- Martin Walsh
- Tammy Miller
Police/Citizen Awards
The Barrie Police Service motto is “committed to our community” and our members strive to embody that motto every shift they work. When our community become engaged and assist the police, their assistance too, is worthy of recognition.
Lifesaving Award
This award is presented to a member or citizen for an act that results in the rescue or the saving of a person’s life.
Constable Denver Raymer, Constable Kaylee Elsay, Constable Derek Rose, Constable Daulton Meideros, Constable David Hennessy:
On December 10, 2023, these officers worked together to save the life of a person who was in crisis while he stood dangerously on the Anne Street bridge. The male was pulled to safety and transported to a local hospital where he received medical attention.
Paige and Emma Scott-Kantas and County of Simcoe Paramedic Adam Zammit:
On September 17, 2023, at approximately 6:30 p.m., the County of Simcoe Paramedic Services received a call for a distraught male who was considering bringing harm to himself while staying at a Bayfield St. hotel. Upon arrival of the paramedics, the male walked away and dangerously relocated himself on the Bayfield St. bridge. Paige and Emma Scott-Kantas observed the male and immediately exited their car and ran to his assistance. They held on to him and spoke to him in a calming matter until police arrived. Paramedic Zammit was able to position himself in a manner that allowed him to grab the male with the police, while the two sisters held on as well. The male was safely apprehended and taken to hospital where he received medical assistance.
Bravery Award
While off duty, Barrie Police Constable Stephen Douglas, responded to the screams of his neighbour, discovering a violent altercation involving a knife-wielding assailant. Without hesitation, he intervened to protect the victim and initiated emergency response procedures. His wife Christine arrived at home with her daughter Autumn and quickly assessed the situation and provided vital aid to the injured victim. Autumn displayed maturity and retrieved essential items that contributed to the effective treatment of the victim.
Together, the Douglas family coordinated efforts that resulted in the containment of the assailant until the arrival of the Ontario Provincial Police, provided prompt medical assistance to the victim and displayed heroic actions that reflect the highest ideals of law enforcement and exemplify the courage and compassion of the Barrie Police Service.
For their actions, Constable Douglas received a Bravery Award, and his wife Christine received a Citizen Award.
Formal Commendation
The Formal Commendation commends members for excellent work that goes beyond the normal or expected level of work performance.
Constable Greg Weller, Constable Jake Lawrason and Mr. Aziz Barati:
On January 3, 2023, Barrie Police Constable Weller responded to a report of a violent domestic at an Essa Rd. fast food establishment. The victim was being violently assaulted when Mr. Barati, an employee at the store, intervened in an attempt to end the confrontation and was assaulted in the process. The male suspect fled on foot, armed himself with steel pipes and assisted by Constable Lawrason, the two officers were able to take the male into custody as he entered a populated area that has a number of big box stores.
The male was charged with 11 criminal charges and held for a bail hearing.
Detective Constable Kris Nicholson:
Detective Constable Kris Nicholson is a member of the Barrie Police Service Fraud Unit and after meeting with Angela Ryan on March 28, 2023, quickly realized that her mother Suzana Thayer was the victim of a Romance Scam. The scam would see her incarcerated in a Hong Kong prison after she was found to be in possession of a large quantity of cocaine that had been infused into the shape of buttons in a suitcase of clothing that she had been given prior to arriving in Hong Kong.
Detective Constable Nicholson worked tirelessly while on his own time and was able to liaise with Canadian Embassy staff in Hong Kong to coordinate Suzana’s release. His efforts were featured in two episodes of W5 which detailed this incredible story as it unfolded thousands of kilometers from Barrie.
Sergeant Toni Talarico, Detective Constable Deborah Howe, Constable Kevin Barkley and Constable Jeremy Moore:
On December 11, 2023, shortly after 2:30 p.m., Barrie Police responded to a report of a male in crisis. After searching for him, he was located in a car, just after 5:00 p.m. in the parking lot of St. Paul’s Anglican Church in the Yonge St. and Mapleview Dr. East area of Barrie. Barrie Police Constable Moore responded to the church parking lot and immediately began to request and coordinate the need for additional resources to safely contain the area. He recognized that in order to ensure the safety of the person in crisis, and to police responding, that crisis negotiators would form the foundation for what would be one of the longest crisis negotiations in the history of the Barrie Police Service.
The standoff, which would last almost 24-hours, came to a peaceful conclusion when the male, who was in his late 40’s, surrendered to police and was transported to a local hospital to receive medical attention.
Sergeant Toni Talarico, Detective Constable Deborah Howe and Constable Kevin Barkley from the Barrie Police Service served as crisis negotiators from the outset of this lengthy and exhausting investigation, and worked tirelessly to develop a rapport with the distraught male. It was their tireless efforts throughout the night paved the way for progress to be made and it was these tiny steps that became strides in the hours that followed. This incident is proof that months and years of training can lead to success that can only be measured by the successful conclusion of an event.
Chief of Police Award
The Chief of Police Award is awarded to a member or Citizen for dedication and perseverance to a task that promotes the Barrie Police Service either internally or in the community.
Sergeant Stephanie McKibbon:
Sergeant Stephanie McKibbon is responsible for the planning and preparation of the Barrie Police Service and its members for a unique and impactful exchange experience that occurred between September 17 and December 10, 2023, which saw 12 officers head north to participate in a two-week “ride-along” with members of the Treaty 3 Police Service. This opportunity provided an organic way to educate our members about the history and impact of residential schools, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Aboriginal-Crown relations is by giving them the opportunity to partner with and work alongside the Treaty Three Police Service, gaining first-hand experience by policing within the Indigenous communities they serve.
The program ended up receiving interest from more members than the allotted spots that were available. The members selected represented a diverse cross-section of the Barrie Police Service, with a significant number being front-line officers. Sergeant McKibbon’s approach to detail and professional approach made this exchange opportunity an experience for those who participated one they will always remember.
Citizens on Patrol – Volunteer of the Year Award
Mr. Randall Reavey:
The Citizens on Patrol (COP) program is a group of volunteers who assist the Barrie Police with crime prevention and protection programs. The COPS volunteers are a diverse group of individuals who all share the goal of giving back to their community and a desire to keep our city safe.
Randall Reavey is a retired individual who relocated to Barrie from Mississauga 10 years ago and is very active in the community as a volunteer and enjoys helping others. He enjoys working in a team setting and contributes regularly in moving forward the goals of Barrie Police Service, with a focus on making Barrie a safer community.
Auxiliary Member of the Year Award
Auxiliary Constable Mae Pankhurst:
The Barrie Police Auxiliary Unit was formed in 1976 and has evolved into an integral part of the Barrie Police Service. Our auxiliary members have shown their support and dedication to our Service over the years and have provided more than 10,000 hours of volunteer work. Auxiliary members are selected on the basis of their ability to complete the training program and their availability for service throughout the year.
The Auxiliary Unit supports the regular police service in many ways, including:
- Patrol escorts
- Traffic control
- Crowd control
- Community-based policing
- Crime prevention initiatives
- R.I.D.E program assistance
- Emergency callouts.
Mae Pankhurst has been with the Auxiliary Unit since last year and has made a significant impact in a relatively short time. She volunteers innumerable hours and can be counted on to provide assistance on short notice or moments of urgency. She is also volunteer with our Citizens on Patrol program.
The Barrie Police Service proudly offers congratulations to all the award recipients and wish to thank all the members of the community who have stepped in a selfless way and have contributed significantly to improving the quality of life and making Barrie a safer place to live.
The Service and the Awards Committee also wish to publicly acknowledge and thank the Mapleview Community Church for their continued support and appreciate the hospitality shown at Friday night's ceremony.
Banner image supplied - Barrie Police Service