There was something missing during this municipal election in Barrie.
For the first time since 2010, Jeff Lehman's name was not on the ballot for mayor. In February, Lehman announced he would not seek re-election as mayor for a fourth term. Instead, he ran for the provincial Liberals in the riding of Barrie-Springwater-Oro-Medonte. He lost the June election to Conservative incumbent Doug Downey by just 609 votes.
Lehman was first elected to city council in 2006, representing the downtown in Ward 2.
Those running for mayor include Ward 4 city councillor Barry Ward, Ward 10 city councillor Mike McCann, former MP and city councillor Alex Nuttall, Gerry Marshall, a former Warden of Simcoe County and former Mayor of Penetanguishene. Andrew Gordon, Weldon Hachey and Rob Haverson are also vying to be Barrie's next mayor.
Barrie will also be electing at least four new city councillors.
Ward 5 councillor Robert Thomson and Ward 7 councillor Gary Harvey were both acclaimed.
This is the first time residents have been able to vote in a municipal election simply by casting a ballot over the phone or on the internet.
Voting began on Friday, October 14 and will close at 8 p.m. on Monday, October 24.
As of Friday at 4:30 p.m, city officials said voter turnout was 15.08% or 15,586 votes out of approximately 103,000 eligible voters.
The election results will be available at around 9:30 p.m. on Monday.
Check back to Barrie 360.com for the results, as well as on our social and Facebook channels.
City Hall Voting Assistance Centre
A Voting Assistance Centre will be open at City Hall, 70 Collier Street, today from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
City-wide Voting Assistance Centres
In addition to City Hall in Ward 2, a Voting Assistance Centre will be set up at the following locations.
Locations | |
Parkview Centre for Seniors | 189 Blake Street |
East Bayfield Community Centre | 80 Livingstone Street East |
Dorian Parker Community Centre | 227 Sunnidale Road |
Lampman Lane Community Centre | 59 Lampman Lane |
Covenant Christian Reformed Church | 101 Ardagh Road |
Peggy Hill Team Community Centre | 171 Mapleton Avenue |
Allandale Recreation Centre | 190 Bayview Avenue |
Barrie Public Library, Painswick Branch | 48 Dean Avenue |
Surface Water Treatment Plant | 20 Royal Parkside Drive |
Andrew Gordon, He/Him | August 2, 2022 at 3:19pm | 32 Hopkins Road, Barrie L4M 5X6 249-880-4714 andrew@andrewgordon.ca Twitter: @AndrewForBarrie Website: www.andrewgordon.ca |
Weldon Hachey | August 15, 2022 at 2:54pm | 202 Ardagh Road, Barrie L4N 3V6 905-715-9799 sales@indoorhvacexperts.com |
Rob Haverson, He/Him | May 2, 2022 at 11:42am | |
Gerry Marshall | May 26, 2022 at 11:09am | 2 Coles Street, Barrie L4N 5W5 H: 705-728-9340 B: 705-816-1829 gerry@gerrymarshall.ca Twitter: @GerryWMarshall Facebook: Gerry Marshall Website: www.gerrymarshall.ca |
Mike McCann | July 20, 2022 at 11:01am | B: 647-688-9908 Website: www.mikemccannmayor.ca |
Alex Nuttall | May 2, 2022 at 8:55am | 56 Gunn Street, Barrie L4M 2H5 705-627-1508 alex@alexnuttall.ca Facebook: Alex Nuttall Website: www.alexnuttall.ca |
Barry Ward, He/Him | June 22, 2022 at 10:30am | 114 Oren Boulevard, Barrie L4N 4M2 705-737-0318 bajoward@aim.com Twitter: @BarryforBarrie Website: www.barryward.ca |
Constance Elliott, She/Her | July 18, 2022 at 9am | 12 Bowman Avenue, Unit 2, Barrie L4M 1V2 705-828-4733 constancesaelliott@gmail.com Facebook: Constance Elliott Website: www.constanceelliottforwardone.ca |
Andre Jmourko | August 9, 2022 at 4:05pm | 705-712-3206 contact@andregetsresults.ca Facebook: Andre Jmourko Website: www.andregetsresults.ca |
Clare Riepma | May 2, 2022 at 10:05am | 220 Kempenfelt Drive, Barrie L4M 1C4 705-737-1080 clare@voteforclare.ca Website: www.voteforclare.ca |
Tif Arshi | July 26, 2022 at 3:31pm | 239 Grove Street East, Barrie L4M 2R1 249-288-4787 tif.arshi.ward2@gmail.com Twitter: @ArshiTiff Facebook: Tifwardtwo Barrie |
Shanicka Edwards | July 22, 2022 at 8:48am | 59 Maple Avenue, Barrie L4N 1R9 705-252-7425 edwardsforward2@gmail.com Facebook: Edwards' Ward 2 Website: www.voteedwards.ca |
Craig Nixon | May 3, 2022 at 10:55am | 705-333-2625 craig@electnixonward2.com Facebook: CraigNixonForward2 Website: www.electnixonward2.com |
Bob Ossowski | August 15, 2022 at 11:38am | 416-453-1494 bob.ossowski@gmail.com Twitter: @bob4barrie Website: www.bobossowski.com |
Greg Peach, He/Him | August 18, 2022 at 3:42pm | 3 Newton Street, Barrie L4M3N2 705-728-8994 greg@gregpeach.ca Facebook: Greg Peach Ward 2 Twitter: @GregPeachWard2 Website: www.gregpeach.ca |
Tracy Strohm | August 19, 2022 at 11:53am | 117 Owen Street, Barrie L4M 3H6 705-305-3426 tstrohm@rogers.com |
Ann-Marie Kungl | May 2, 2022 at 10:14am | 705-816-0117 KunglCares@gmail.com Twitter: @annmariekungl Instagram: @annmariekungl Facebook: Kungl for Council Website: www.kunglcares.ca |
Ryan Rijo | August 18, 2022 at 2:07pm | 120 Bell Farm Road, Unit 304, Barrie L4M 6J4 705-817-4404 ryan@ryanrijo.ca Facebook: Vote Ryan Rijo Instagram: @rijdreams27 Website: www.ryanrijo.ca |
Zohaib Tahir | June 27, 2022 at 1:46pm | 705-500-1737 zohaibtahir.ward3@gmail.com Twitter: @zohaibtahir43 Facebook: Zohaib Tahir for Ward 3 Instragram: @zohaibtahir.for.ward3 |
Tim Abel | June 17, 2022 at 3:36pm | 48 Cynthia Court, Barrie L4M 2X4 H: 249-359-7342 Campaign: 249-359-7342 hello@timabel.ca Facebook: Tim Abel Website: www.timabel.ca |
Amy Courser, She/Her | August 5, 2022 at 3:25pm | 705-716-0898 amy4ward4@gmail.com Facebook: Amy For Ward 4 Website: www.amycourser.ca |
MIchael Lewis | August 16, 2022 at 9:54am | 165 Kozlov Street, Unit 55, Barrie L4N 7M8 H: 705-817-0107 B: 416-209-1962 mcalewis1966@gmail.com Facebook: Michael Lewis |
Donald McLaurin, He/Him | June 1, 2022 at 3:43pm | 35 Thorncrest Road, Barrie L4N 3R1 705-790-6373 dmclaurin4ward4@gmail.com Instagram: mclaurin.donald Website: www.donaldmclaurin4ward4.ca |
Dieter Mueller | August 9, 2022 at 9:26am | 10 Gloria Street, Barrie L4N 4L9 H: 705-737-5716 Campaign: 705-733-6282 dieter497@bell.net |
Robert Newman | August 12, 2022 at 2:30pm | 289-593-0944 info@robnewman4ward4.ca Facebook: Rob Newman 4 Ward 4 |
Ajmal Noushahi | June 23, 2022 at 4:06pm | 135 Grove Street East, Barrie L4M 2P4 B: 705-734-1198 Campaign: 705-795-9581 info@voteforajmal.ca Website: www.voteforajmal.ca |
Md Hafizur Rahman | August 19, 2022 at 1:23pm | 25 Lyfytt Crescent, Barrie, L4N 7X4 705-500-0028 hafizcool.ca@gmail.com |
Robert Thomson (ACCLAIMED) | May 2, 2022 at 8:30am | 223 Pringle Drive, Barrie L4N 0P5 705-500-1780 robertthomson4ward5@gmail.com Twitter: @RT4Ward5 Facebook: Vote Robert Thomson Website: www.thomsonward5.ca |
Allan Bray, He/Him | August 5, 2022 at 1:42pm | 196 Cumming Drive, Barrie L4N 0C9 H: 705-985-2729 allanbray42@gmail.com Website: www.allanbray.ca Twitter: @B68James Facebook: Allan Bray |
Sharon Doran, She/Her | June 28, 2022 at 11:22am | sharon@sharondoran.ca Facebook: VoteSharonDoranforBarrieWard6 Instagram: @vote_sharondoran_barrieward6 Twitter: @smdoran Website: www.sharondoran.ca |
Darryl Duff | May 4, 2022 at 1:02pm | 705-795-4165 dtdduff@gmail.com Twitter: @DarrylDuff1 |
Kevin LePage, He/Him | May 6, 2022 at 10:50am | 36 Bishop Drive, Barrie L4N 6Y4 705-726-2973 Kevin@KevinLePage.ca Website: KevinLePage.ca |
Nigussie Nigussie | May 2, 2022 at 9:01am | H: 705-500-2464 Campaign: 705-970-2464 nigussie@votenigussie.ca Twitter: @NigussieAdamu Facebook:Nigussie Nigussie Website: www.votenigussie.ca |
Gary Harvey (ACCLAIMED) | May 9, 2022 at 12:04pm | 11 Round Leaf Court, Barrie L4N 9N3 705-321-0089 garyharvey4ward7@outlook.com Facebook: GaryHarveyForWard7 |
Jim Harris, He/Him | July 21, 2022 at 12:34pm | 4 Clover Avenue, Barrie L4N 3M6 H: 705-721-4418 Campaign: 705-715-3008 votejimforward8@gmail.com Website: www.votejimforward8.ca |
John Webb | May 6, 2022 at 2:56pm | 115 O'Shaughnessy Crescent, Barrie L4N 7M1 H: 705-817-7070 B: 705-797-1345 johnswebb@rogers.com Twitter: @realjohnwebb Facebook: Real John Webb |
Norm Costello | June 30, 2022 at 11:10am | 416-771-8872 normancostello26@gmail.com Twitter: @normcostello Facebook: Norm Costello for Ward 9 Website: normcostello.ca |
Sergio Morales | May 6, 2022 at 2:24pm | vision4ward9@votesergio.ca Website: votesergio.ca |
William Rome | August 10, 2022 at 2:44pm | H: 705-770-2513 Campaign: 705-770-2513 williamrome014@gmail.com Facebook: William-for-Ward-9 |
Adam Wilcox | August 19, 2022 at 12:17pm | 40 Carley Crescent, Barrie, L4N 0M8 Campaign: 705-999-7695 adam@adamwilcox.ca Website: adamwilcox.ca |
Joy Douglas, She/Her | July 29, 2022 at 3pm | 705-790-8290 votejoydouglas2022@gmail.com Instagram: @votejoydouglas2022 Website: ww.votejoydouglas2022.ca |
Bryn Hamilton | May 4, 2022 at 11:14am | Barrie L4N 4A7 705-321-7580 elect@brynforbarrie.ca Facebook: brynforbarrie.ca Website: brynforbarrie.ca |
Ken Lloyd | July 28, 2022 at 2:21pm | H: 705-726-2450 B: 705-718-6049 kenfromward10@gmail.com Twitter: @KenLloyd09 |
Steven Mirtsos | May 9, 2022 at 11:01am | 705-896-9863 steven4ward10@gmail.com Facebook: Steven4Ward10 |