The Busby Centre has launched a capital campaign aiming to collect funds to expand its services, including a goal of obtaining the 88 and 90 Mulcaster Street properties.
Sara Peddle, executive director of the centre, told Barrie 360 that the campaign, "At the Busby Centre, Everybody is Somebody," looks to raise $2.2 million.
"We are purchasing 88/90 Mulcaster so that we can take our 7,000 square feet that we've been operating in for some time, and overcrowding in, to 17,000 square feet so we can create better services for people, more efficient services, and more dignifying services," said Peddle.
She added that the funds will go towards closing the deal to acquire the properties, as well as renovations and day-to-day operations.
But Peddle emphasized the aspect of more room.
"Space is the big thing," she said.
"We have a variety of different services come and now we can actually give them space where they can meet with people privately. We can extend our bed services to make sure that there's more beds - we're turning away roughly five to 10 people a night if not more because there's just not enough shelter beds in our community."
Peddle says throughout the pandemic they have seen an influx in numbers, but just in general, more people are entering into homelessness.
"Until we actually find that solution to getting people housed, we know that there are services like ours that are needed," said Peddle.
The Busby Centre has been a landing space and community of support for individuals and families living in deep poverty and experiencing homelessness.
The organization released the following of what they offer and are looking to expand on:
- Community Social Service Collaborative - Enhancing partnerships with community organizations and groups providing services on and off-site to continue current and implement new initiatives that promote health, security and wellness. These services include but are not limited to housing services, health and wellness services, justice services, income security and food security.
- Program Expansion - Offering more extensive programming space to support
our community's needs and interests. - Climate-Controlled Spaces - Creating warming and cooling spaces to ensure
the comfort and safety of individuals during extreme weather conditions. - Increased Bed Capacity - Expanding our bed capacity to accommodate more
individuals seeking refuge from the elements. As well as explore the
development of short-term transitional housing units on-site. - On-Site Meal Services - Providing nutritious and regular meal services to
address immediate food insecurity needs. - Hygiene and Shower Facilities - Ensuring access to essential hygiene facilities
for personal care and well-being. - Work Opportunities - volunteer and paid opportunities for service users.
The campaign runs till November 30.
For more information about the centre and to support the capital campaign, click here.
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