Much has happened three-and-a-half years since the pandemic began regarding the Covid 19 vaccine and subsequent booster shots.
You got your first few doses, but where do you go from here, and how often do you need a top-up?
The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit has some advice on how to keep a good schedule.
Michelle Phillips, Acting Program Manager of the Immunization Program, says anyone over five years old who hasn't received a booster since September 1, 2022, can get one now.
"The recommendation remains that individuals would get their booster as long as it's been six months since their previous immunization or since COVID Infection."
She adds that anyone who is not high risk, who received a booster after that date, can wait until the fall before taking their next steps.
"At this point, we're looking to the fall to think about recommendations, but there will be more information about a potential fall booster as we get closer to that time."
Phillips points out a spring booster is available for some high-risk groups.
"There are spring booster doses available, and those are for people in certain high-risk groups if it has been at least six months since their last dose or a COVID-19 infection."
She emphasizes how important it is to remain vigilant regarding the virus.

They still see illnesses weekly in Simcoe Muskoka, especially in the higher-risk groups, and Phillips emphasizes the importance of vaccines and regular testing.
"Take a test when symptoms set in, so you know what you're dealing with and possibly be able to access treatment and get a prescription for the anti-viral medication 'Paxlovid' if needed."
For more information on who is eligible for the medication, click here.