It won't be an easy street for a 16-year-old boy after he was nabbed for stunt driving on Highway 400.
Aurora OPP say the driver who just got his G2 was stopped around one Thursday morning and clocked at 171 km/h.
The vehicle has been impounded for 14 days and the teen's licence has been suspended for a month.
171km/h - 16 yr old driver who just got his G2 was stopped by #AuroraOPP on #Hwy400 today around 1am. Daddy wasn’t very happy when he came to pick him up. #30DayLicenceSuspension #14DayVehicleImpound. pic.twitter.com/LFqkfxoN5B
— OPP Highway Safety Division (@OPP_HSD) July 28, 2022