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Pop Culture

Published June 30, 2022

New Graphic novel follows Dee Snider's 1984 battle with the "Parents Music Resource Center"

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Dee snider comic via instagram

Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider has made a graphic novel about his influence on free speech.

The rocker and activist has teamed with Z2 comics to create "He's not gonna take it," chronicling his journey to the senate in 1984.

At that time, the "Parents Music Resource Center" ( PMRC), which Tipper Gore co-founded, wanted to place an explicit warning label on records that had even minor mention of graphic content.

At that meeting, Dee Snider spoke passionately, fighting for his right to freedom of speech, and he had every teen screaming at their tv in agreement.

On his social media page snider says

"When I look back on that historic day, I think, how did I fit balls that big into those skin-tight jeans!? Then I reflect on the fact that I still stand for everything I stood for all those years ago…and I'm ready to do battle again.

Editor Rantz Hoseley says

"Unless you grew up during the PMRC hearings, I don't think you can really understand what a massive impact it had as teenagers watched Dee testify before congress about the importance of freedom of speech.

"It was the moment where you could believe… Yes, there are people out there who will fight for what is right, against all odds, no matter the cost. It's a story that is more vital today than ever."

The novel is expected out March 2023.

Catch a few minutes of the monumental speech below.

feature image courtesy of Dee Snider via instagram

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