News release from the City of Barrie
The City of Barrie’s 2022 Heritage Awards were announced at last evening’s City Council meeting.
“By preserving a component of Barrie’s heritage, through both its historic buildings and passionate residents, this year’s award winners have given residents an opportunity to strengthen their connection to the place they call home,” said Councillor Clare Riepma, Heritage Committee Chair. “The awards showcase how residents and visitors can learn about and experience our community’s heritage, as well as how it makes Barrie unique.”
These awards are presented annually by Barrie’s Heritage Committee to owners of historic buildings, individuals and groups who have shown an extraordinary appreciation for and commitment to preserving Barrie’s heritage.
The 2022 Heritage Barrie award winners are:
72 Burton Avenue (residential category):

87 Owen Street (residential category):

125-128 Dunlop Street East (commercial category):

Al McNair (individual category, awarded posthumously):

Christine Manewell (individual category, awarded posthumously):

Full details and photos of the winners can be viewed at barrie.ca/HeritageAwards.
If Barrie residents are interested in having their heritage property formally recognized, they can visit the City’s Heritage Register webpage at barrie.ca/heritage for information on how to apply. The Municipal Heritage Register is a list of properties that includes Designated Buildings and Buildings of Heritage Interest. It recognizes properties of cultural heritage value, fosters civic identify and pride, promotes education of a community’s cultural heritage, and provides easily accessible information about cultural heritage.
Visit barrie.ca/heritage for more information about the Heritage Committee, the Heritage Awards, and local plaques and historical sites.
Images supplied - City of Barrie