Mike Olah of Osgoode Company has long professed his love of the city he calls home. The man behind the 'Support the Locals' brand is a graphic designer by trade, and put his skills to work creating a set of beautiful tributes to some of Barrie's oldest neighborhoods.
Osgoode Company is dedicated to supporting local businesses. Its 'Support The Locals' label started as a slogan on a sticker, meant to encourage people to support local. That grew into a sustainably-made apparel brand. Since Olah debuted his designs on social media the response has been huge, with people requesting he work on other neighbourhoods.
The huge public interest made Olah decide to offer the designs on t-shirts. They will only be available through pre-order, not in the shop. You can order your neighbourhood tee here.
The Osgoode Company is located at 45 Dunlop St West in downtown Barrie.