
Published September 21, 2024

OPP allege man faked story about auto theft after crashing vehicle into a field in Ramara

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A man is accused of making up a story about his vehile being stolen, which Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) say he abandoned after crashing into a field in Ramara Township.

Around 7:30 Friday morning, police responded to Concession Road 1 about an abandoned vehicle in a field.

"Once on scene, police discovered no one was on scene and the vehicle had sustained severe damage. Upon further investigation police observed deployed airbags and several alcohol cans throughout the vehicle," according to an OPP media release on Saturday.

Further investigation led police to determine the owner of vehicle had two outstanding warrants and a suspended licence for previous impaired driving charges.

Later that afternoon, police received a call from the owner of the vehicle who reported it stolen. Officers met with the man and arrested him for the outstanding warrants. Police say he had injuries likely caused by the crash.

A 40-year-old Ramara Township man was charged with adult public mischief.

The accused was held in custody for a bail hearing.

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