
Published August 9, 2023

OPP officers pull man to safety from Midland Bay

Police say the man had been in the water for over an hour and it had reduced his ability to physically move
collision, Elmvale
File photo of an OPP logo

Cries for help rang out from Midland Bay around 8:30 Tuesday evening, which prompted a citizen to alert the Ontario Provincial Police, who reported a man was in the water next to a sailboat that was attached to another vessel, about 200 metres off the shoreline from Gawley Park.

Three officers were first on the scene and commandeered a small aluminum boat from a nearby residence and drove out to the sailboat.

Police say they found an exhausted man in the water without a life jacket clinging to the second vessel.

He was removed from the water and transported by paramedics to a local hospital and later released.

Police say the 61-year-old from Brockton had been in the cool water for over an hour, and it had reduced his ability to physically move.

"Wearing a life jacket while on the water can help make a difference in the outcome of these situations as Georgian Bay is a big place and self-rescue may be your only option," police stated in a news release.

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