All school buses and vans in the North, West, and Central Weather Zones have been cancelled due to current poor road and visibility conditions. Schools remain open.


Published May 25, 2023

OPP recover baseball bat loaded with nails during search warrant at Midland residence

Police say the search warrant was executed as part of an ongoing drug investigation

Provincial police say they recovered a wooded baseball bat loaded with nails along with a variety of drugs including cocaine, fentanyl, clonazepam, as well as stolen property and associated drug paraphernalia during a search warrant executed at Queen Street residence in Midland on Wednesday.

Police say this was part of an ongoing investigation.

"As a result of this warrant a number of individuals have been identified who will be subject to further investigation and reported on in an updated media release," police said in a statement.

Banner image - supplied - Southern Georgian Bay OPP

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