
Published August 28, 2022

Two OPP vehicles damaged, windows smashed in Wasaga Beach

Police say there was property damage at the Canadian Tire and the Walmart
alleged carjacking, Angus
File photo of the OPP logo

Provincial police in Wasaga Beach had their hands full during the overnight hours on Saturday and Sunday, including mischief incidents involving OPP vehicles.

Police said that early Sunday, two OPP cruisers were damaged and their windows smashed on Beck Street and Main Street. During the incident, officers were inside the vehicles and one vehicle had a police dog inside. The officers and dog were unharmed.

Police added that numerous investigations are underway to identify those responsible for Highway Traffic Act infractions and mischief incidents, including property damage at the Canadian Tire on 45th Street and Walmart on Stonebridge Boulevard. A break and enter is also being investigated at the Walmart.

"The safety of our community and our officers is our number one priority and the safety of both was jeopardized last night," police said in a news release on Sunday. "We want to make it clear that this behaviour will not be tolerated. The OPP will conduct thorough and exhaustive investigations leading to arrest and prosecution. Those reponsible will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law."

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