Orillia Council is set to begin 2025 budget deliberations this week and is preparing for a higher-than-normal tax levy increase driven by rising external costs.
“We’re facing significant cost increases from legislated service contracts outside of our control, particularly with the OPP and the County of Simcoe,” said Mayor Don McIsaac.
“I want to thank City staff for their hard work in identifying operating efficiencies to reduce the City’s own portion of the tax levy. Despite these efforts, we are currently looking at a substantial overall increase, which places real pressure on all taxpayers. This is going to be a difficult budget as we work to balance these pressures and their impact on our community.”
The Draft 2025 Operating Budget as presented consists of a net levy increase of 6.94 per cent. A significant portion of the tax levy increase comes from external service contracts, including the Ontario Provincial Police and the County of Simcoe, which together account for a 5.04 per cent increase on the draft budget.
City staff have worked to find efficiencies within City-operated services, presenting an increase of 1.9 per cent. This reduces the City’s operating funding requirements while maintaining service levels, meeting legislative requirements, and increasing reserve contributions to support infrastructure.
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“Our team has worked diligently to find savings and efficiencies across City services, helping to keep the City’s operating costs as lean as possible despite escalating pressures,” said Gayle Jackson, Chief Administrative Officer.
“However, with substantial external cost increases for emergency and social services, we’re facing challenges that go beyond what internal efficiencies alone can address. These budget discussions will be pivotal in determining how we manage these costs while continuing to deliver high-quality services for our residents.”
Community feedback gathered through recent budget engagement opportunities has been taken into consideration in shaping the City’s priorities, with residents highlighting emergency services, infrastructure, and social services as top concerns. This feedback will also be considered by Council during budget deliberations. Residents are encouraged to continue to engage with the budget process by attending meetings, reviewing agendas, and connecting with Council members.
Deliberations will take place in the Council Chamber at the Orillia City Centre (50 Andrew St. S.). Members of the public who wish to attend the Council Chamber during the open session portions of the deliberations are welcome. The deliberations may be live-streamed on the City’s YouTube channel. Recordings may be available on demand after each meeting. For meeting agendas and recording links, please visit orillia.civicweb.net.

The budget package is available to view on the City’s website at orillia.ca/budget or on the OrilliaNow online portal at orillia.ca/now.