The wheels on the bus will be going round and round as kids across the region return to school on Tuesday.
It's back to the four R's----- reading, writing, arithmetic, and routine.
Police will have stepped up patrols in and around schools, as they watch for speeders and other violations that may take place.
"On Tuesday, student drop off areas will likely be congested with parents dropping off their children and with school buses making a return to city streets, we will be back sharing the roads with them as they do their morning pick ups and afternoon drop offs," Barrie Police said in a news release. "If your normally travelled route in the morning takes you through a school zone, please give yourself some extra time to get to where you need to go, drive at the posted speed limit or at a speed that is safe given the traffic conditions you are experiencing , and most importantly, please watch for students."
South Simcoe Police have launched their annual safety campaign 'Operation All Hands on Deck.'
"We want to make sure that both drivers and pedestrians are obeying laws in and around schools," says Sgt. Jessica Irwin, who heads up the traffic and marine unit. "We're looking for things such as speeding, aggressive driving, jaywalking and parking violations."
Motorists are reminded to stop for school buses, watch for pedestrians, obey crossing guards and reduce speed in school zones.
However, Irwin says pedestrians also have a responsibility to be safe and aware of their surroundings.
"From the pedestrian side of things, sometimes we see a lot of people who are excited and might be in a rush, so there is jaywalking and unsafe crossing. We like to put an emphasis on parents and students to make sure that they're using crosswalks, crossovers or school crossing guards, if they are available."
South Simcoe Police remind the public:
-Failing to yield at pedestrian crosswalks, school crossings, and crossovers with a crossing guard present is an up to $1,000 fine and four demerit points.
-Failure to stop for a school bus with red lights flashing and/or stop arm activated is a fine between $400 to $2,000 and six demerit points for a first offence. Fines are doubled in Community Safety Zones, near schools and public areas.