News release - from Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre-Message from Janice Skot, RVH President and CEO
The pandemic has been long and grueling. And while many Ontarians are done with COVID-19, it is very clear, the virus is not done with us.
As safety restrictions ease, we all seem to know someone who has become infected with COVID. Meanwhile, Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH) has seen hospitalizations creep steadily back up at a worrisome rate over the past few weeks.
Health experts confirm, based on wastewater testing, Ontario is now in the sixth wave of COVID. The magnitude of this surge, and its impact on hospitalizations and ICU admissions, is uncertain.
What is certain is, the pandemic is far from over.
As COVID cases spike in the community, we also see more RVH staff and physicians impacted. This week, as many as 150 of our employees and physicians are off work due to COVID infection or exposure. To put that in perspective, that is more than four per cent of our entire TEAM RVH.
That significant absenteeism impacts our ability to provide care. Staff are redeployed, working longer shifts and coming in on their days off to ensure adequate staffing levels. To ensure safety, we’ve had to reduce the number of operating rooms we have open. Unfortunately, that means we have to cancel some surgeries. We know that is frustrating, especially if you’ve already waited a long time for your procedure, but safety must be the priority and our teams are doing the best they can.
Although safety measures are easing in the community, hospitals must remain vigilant to protect our patients and the teams who care for them. That means visitors must show proof of double-vaccination, or a valid exemption, and wear a mask while visiting a patient within the health centre. Of course, proof of vaccine is not required to receive care at RVH.
RVH has cautiously moved to Step 3 of our visiting policy, which allows one visitor per patient, daily, for one hour. There are some exceptions, so if you are unsure, please contact the inpatient unit directly.
As Wave 6 evolves, be assured RVH is well-prepared to respond to an increase in cases, while supporting our partner hospitals. Increased surgical cases, bed availability and staffing levels are a delicate balance and we continuously monitor all three carefully to ensure we can meet the community’s healthcare needs.
While RVH continues to put your safety first, we echo the advice of Dr. Charles Gardner, Medical Officer of Health, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit: Continue wearing a mask indoors, wash your hands, avoid large gatherings and get vaccinated.
Remember, RVH continues to operate its Immunization Clinic, COVID-19 Testing Centre, as well as the COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinic at 29 Sperling Drive in Barrie. Get more information on RVH’s website.