Three teenagers, including a pair of 16-year-olds, face charges in connection with a robbery at a mobile phone store on Saturday in Barrie.
Police say they were called around 3:15 p.m. to a plaza at 555 Essa Road just south of Mapleton Avenue.
Investigators say the suspects made off with cash, and a number of cellphones, and then fled in a vehicle that was later determined to be stolen.
An officer on the way to the plaza spotted the suspects in the car travelling on Essa Road and entering Highway 400 southbound at a high rate of speed. The vehicle was stopped by OPP officers as it exited onto King Road.
Two 16-year-old males have been charged with:
- Robbery with Violence
- Possession of Property Obtained by Crime (2 counts)
- Assault
- Assault with a Weapon
- Forcible Confinement
- Wear Disguise.
An 18-year-old male, also from Toronto has been charged with:
- Robbery with Violence
- Possession of Property Obtained by Crime (2 counts).
The males were all held in custody for a bail hearing that took place on Sunday and two of the accused, the 18-year-old adult and a 16-year-old youth were remanded in custody, while the other 16-year-old was released with a court date of February 21, 2023.