If "The Grinch" ever busts into your house, will your kids step up to defend the home?
These kids did.
A viral Tik Tok video shows someone dressed as the Grinch bursting through the front door, scaring the kids and stealing the presents under the tree.
He didn't bet on the kids fighting back.
They attacked the would-be robber while the parents just stood back.
This is becoming a mean trend where the Grinch comes into the home pretending to steal presents.
Some people think it's a cruel trick, while others think it's hilarious.
Have a look and be the judge.
@haylee_b14 Not stealing presents without a fight in this house! #mrgrinch#badkids #theyarefine#fyp ♬ You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch - Thurl Ravenscroft
feature image via tiktok from haylee_b14