Release from the City of Barrie
The City of Barrie has wrapped five more utility cabinets with local art and historical images. Three of the utility cabinets include artwork by local artists and two are supported by the City’s Heritage Committee. These installations are part of the City’s Graffiti Abatement Program which uses a combination of removal, enforcement, educational initiatives, and beautification to reduce graffiti in Barrie.
The public art wraps were designed by the following local artists:
- Andrea Cook, whose artwork can be found at the southeast corner of Bayfield Street and Grove Street.
- Angela Aujla, whose artwork can be found at the southwest corner of Bayfield Street and Wellington Street.
- Ashley Gringhuis, whose artwork can be found at the northwest corner of St. Vincent Street and Grove Street.
The heritage wraps include historical photos gathered by the Heritage Committee and provided courtesy of the Simcoe County Archives and the Barrie Historical Archive. They can be found at the following locations:
Northeast corner of Burton Avenue and Bayview Drive
Northwest corner of Burton Avenue and Milburn Street
The City of Barre has wrapped 10 utility cabinets since the inception of the Graffiti Abatement Program.
For more information: visit