News release from South Simcoe Police
The South Simcoe Police Service is making the public aware of a recent series of vehicle thefts.
Three Toyota Highlanders and one Dodge Durango were stolen in the overnight/early morning of Monday, January 23, 2023, from residential driveways in the area of 20th
Sideroad and Innisfil Beach Road in the Town of Innisfil. Two of the stolen Highlanders and the Durango were subsequently recovered in another policing jurisdiction.
The investigation is ongoing.
We urge residents to call police immediately to report suspicious people, activity, or vehicles on your street or in your area. While there is no guarantee with any prevention measures, please consider the following safety tips:
· Park vehicles in a locked garage
· Keep your doors locked and windows up
· Do not leave your keys near the front door
· Store keys inside a radio frequency shielding bag/pouch to block cell signals
· Consider a steering wheel lock, an automatic engine shut-off, and a tracking device
· Install a lock on the data port. This simple device can be purchased online and blocks access to the computer port where thieves gain access to reprogram keys
· Consider purchasing a quality video surveillance system
· Inspect your vehicle regularly and call police if you notice any suspicious potential tracking devices
· Never leave your vehicle unattended and running, even for short periods of time