Here we are again with another episode of What Barrie's Talking About ... a podcast that brings you the local stories that matter most to you.
On this week's episode we talk about: crime in the downtown core, a new book for pre-teen and teen boys, private clinics, and more!
This Week on What Barrie's Talking About
1. Are Private Clinics Really Necessary?
There are concerns about the province moving to private clinics to provide certain health services. Some are worried there will be additional charges. Others are concerned about upselling. We talked to the newly formed Ontario Health Coalition, which doesn’t think private clinics are truly needed.
2. Local Author Writes YA Novel For Boys
Innisfil's Jim Hepburn published "Hunted By Fire," his first novel aimed at what he believes is an underserved age group – pre-teen and teen boys. MJ sat down with Hepburn to learn more about the book and why it's a great choice for young men.
3. An Exciting Week For The Colts
Will Konken takes a look at the Colts' efforts last week with Colts broadcaster and writer Gene Pereira. Be sure to listen as they talk about the game-winner against Mississauga and Evan Vierling's gameplay of late.
4. Are Things Getting Worse Downtown?
Residents think that crime is getting worse in the downtown core and that more needs to be done to stop it. But perception is everything. Ian MacLennan caught up with Police Chief Rich Johnson to find out whether crime really is increasing and what more can be done.

We’re so glad you joined us for the latest episode of What Barrie’s Talking About.
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