If you're a runner, biker, or just someone who generally likes to spend time outdoors (and let's be honest, who isn't these days), you probably have been cursing the unusual string of cold weather we have been dealing with. Well, it wasn't just an abnormally long period of cold weather, it was a record-breaking one.
Yesterday was Barrie's 225th consecutive day with maximum temperature <20°C which puts this run in 1st place for the longest run on record. from r/BarrieWxRecords
Barrie hasn't seen a day hotter than 20 degrees in over 225 days, all the way back on October 2nd. While it's nice for our city to break a record, I doubt this is the one anybody was hoping for. Thankfully, it seems that warmer weather is finally on the way so we can actually start enjoying the great outdoors again.
So the next time someone asks you what records Barrie has broken you can proudly say, among other things: "it's cold for a long period of time".
Yay us.