With most people celebrating today by hitting one of Barrie's amazing beaches, getting some cold drinks on a patio around town, or checking out all the virtual festivities on the City of Barrie's website, let's take a quick look at the history of Canada Day.
On June 30th, 1867, Canada was only one province among two other neighbouring provinces, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. On July 1st, this all changed with the Constitution Act, 1867 which united the three separate colonies into a single dominion (within the British Empire).
While it was now its own dominion, the British Parliament and Cabinet maintained political control over certain areas of the government, such as Foreign Affairs, national defence, and constitutional changes. Canada would gain increasing independence over the years until in 1982, the Canadian Constitution was fully patriated and Canada finally became a fully sovereign nation.
Originally, the Province of Canada was divided into Ontario and Quebec when it was joined by Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in 1967. Three years later the Northwest Territories would be acquired from the Hudson Bay Company along with Manitoba becoming Canada's fifth province. British Columbia would become the sixth in 1871, Prince Edward Island would join in 1873, the Yukon would join in 1898, and seven years later, Alberta and Saskatchewan become the eighth and ninth provinces. Newfoundland wouldn't become a Canadian province until 1949 and the final piece of the Canadian puzzle, Nunavut, would slide into place in 1999.
It was a very long journey from colony to country but look at how well it all turned out! Get out there and celebrate everything that makes Canada one of the best places in the world!
Featured image courtesy of Andre Furtado via pexels.com