All school buses and vans in Simcoe County have been cancelled due to current poor road and visibility conditions and the forecast for poor conditions to continue throughout the school day. Schools remain open for student learning.


Published May 21, 2021

Google announces new update to Workspace called Smart Canvas

With lots of new features!
Google Workspace
Working remotely is about to get a whole lot better thanks to a slew of new features coming with Google Workspace's Smart Canvas update.

Working remotely is about to get a whole lot better thanks to a slew of new features coming with Google Workspace's Smart Canvas update.

The Smart Canvas update transforms Google Workspace into a collaborative platform that will make it easier than ever for teams to work together online, allowing the ability to work on tasks, delegate, present material, and more. New features include voting, attaching files to calendar invites, emoji reactions, and the integration of video calls so you can hop right into a chat without having to leave the document. You can also now use '@' to not only mention people but files and previous meetings as well.

Image courtesy of Google via

The Smart Canvas update is live right now so you can start checking out all the new features with your team. For more details and a full list of included features, click here.

Featured image courtesy of Google via

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