Canadians can now call 1−844−POISON−X to access critical medical advice for poisonings.
The initiative was launched to make it easier for Canadians to access information on poison centres from anywhere in the country. Health Canada says while there are currently nine phone numbers used to access the five poison centres in Canada, many Canadians don't know the phone number for their local poison centre or that the service is available.
More than 1,500 people in Canada lose their lives each year to unintentional poisonings.
"Accidental poisonings can happen to anyone at any time," says Federal Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, Carolyn Bennett, "including from over-the-counter medicines, prescription drugs, illicit substances, alcohol, and cannabis. This new toll-free number will help to save lives, while also helping more Canadians access quality, timely, and evidence-based poison prevention education and related health care expertise."
The country’s network of poison centres handles almost two−thirds of cases remotely without the requirement to enter a health care facility.
The number was launched as a part of National Poison Prevention Week, which runs from March 19 to 25, 2023.
banner image: anna shvets via pexels