News release - City of Barrie
The City of Barrie is asking the public for feedback on new action items for the updated Affordable Housing Strategy. Feedback will be presented and taken into consideration by Council when deciding how to prioritize these action items to create a new Affordable Housing Strategy.
The City began collecting feedback for the Affordable Housing Strategy Update in April 2023, which has helped to create a variety of policy options. From these policy options, 10 action items have been developed.
The public can share their feedback on these action items by participating in the following engagement opportunities:
- Affordable Housing Action Items Survey (open until November 13, 2023)
- Open House:
November 9, 2023
City Hall Rotunda (70 Collier Street)
3:30pm to 6pm (drop in anytime)
The City first released a 10-year Affordable Housing Strategy in 2015, with the goal of constructing 840 affordable housing units by 2025. This target was aligned with the County of Simcoe’s 10-Year Affordable Housing Plan, which allocated the need of 840 units. The goal of 840 newunits was achieved in 2020.
The new Affordable Housing Strategy will be presented to Barrie City Council for approval in December 2023, for implementation beginning in 2024. Visit BuildingBarrie.ca/AffordableHousing to learn more about the policy options, action items and to share your feedback.
Banner image: Barrie 360- April 2023