News release from Barrie & District Christmas Cheer
Since 1974, Christmas Cheer has been supporting those who need a little extra help at Christmas time.
For the first time in more than 10 years, Barrie & District Christmas Cheer will be increasing their annual fundraising goal of $250,000 to $280,000 to combat the cost of inflation.
Canada’s Food Price Report predicts that the cost of groceries has risen 5-7 per cent over the previous year, which is the highest predicted increase in food prices in 12 years. The report claims that the average Canadian family will pay nearly $1,000 more on groceries this year.
!-- Begin Constant Contact Inline Form Code -->The organization, which leverages the community to collect physical donations of food and toys to fill hampers for nearly 1,800 families, also heavily relies on monetary donations to help fill the need in the community.
In order to reach their new $280,000 fundraising goal, Christmas Cheer will need to get an early start with their fundraising efforts.
"The money we raise is typically only one fourth of the value of what we actually distribute to families each year. We are very fortunate to have the support of local suppliers that afford us with significant value per donated dollar," said Christmas Cheer President, Stephane Quenneville. "But that dollar won’t stretch as far as it used to."
PODCAST: Our interview with Christmas Cheer president Steph Quenneville (and more local news)
Despite all of the uncertainty the pandemic brought to the local economy, Barrie & District Christmas Cheer wants the community to know that they will be returning to their standard program of providing food hampers and toys to those in need this Christmas.
For more information about Barrie & District Christmas Cheer, to donate, or to find out how to set up a personal online fundraising page, please visit their website: christmascheerbarrie.com.