All school buses and vans in Simcoe County have been cancelled due to the forecast of freezing rain, ice accretion and icy road conditions throughout the school day


Published April 30, 2023

Fire erupts at Barrie home, occupants safe

Officials say the point of origin was in the garage
Cundles Fire

Barrie fire officials say all occupants of a home on Cundles Road East are safe after a blaze sparked Saturday night.

Derek Wilson, Barrie Fire and Emergency Service Assistant Deputy Chief, told Barrie 360 in an email that it occurred at 10:45 p.m. and the occupants were out of the house when firefighters arrived.

"The point of origin was in the garage where the occupants smoke," Wilson wrote. "It appears that likely cause is related to smoking."

Wilson says there is no damage total at this time.

Images via Michael Chorney / At the Scene Photography

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