
Published September 14, 2023

'Broken phone' scam alert from South Simcoe Police

The South Simcoe Police Service is warning residents that the 'Broken Phone Scam' is still circulating our communities.  

The Broken Phone Scam is a variation of Emergency Scams. Victims receive text messages from someone claiming to be a loved one saying they have dropped or damaged their cellphone. The suspect will provide an alternate phone number to send a text message.  The suspect will then ask for funds to pay for repairs or to help pay a bill.

The South Simcoe Police Service wants to remind residents if you receive a strange message claiming to be from a loved one, contact the person on the phone number you have in your contact list. If possible, call another family member to verify the source of the text. Always be suspicious of calls or messages that require immediate action and money for a family member in distress. Be careful what you post online as scammers can easily get information about you on social media. Trust your instincts. Remember, if it feels wrong, it probably is a scam.

For more information about frauds and scams, and how to protect yourself, visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre website

If you have been victimized by this type of fraud, please report it to police and contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.

Example of a Broken Phone Scam text received on a South Simcoe Police Service cell last May:

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