A new theatre is set to open in Paris, France sometime next year and it looks incredibly cool and wonderfully futuristic.
Let me spell out a scenario for you: You're walking toward theatre nine, you have a big bag of popcorn in your hands, and you're giddy with excitement because you've been dedicated to seeing this movie since the first trailer. You enter the darkly lit theatre and round the corner only to see it packed with people. Great. Now you get to enjoy the movie ten feet in front of the screen with a neck cramp.
Oma Cinema wants to eliminate this problem by making sure the best seat in the house, is every single one of them with elevated, pod-like platforms.
It has been pointed out (many times now), that the design resembles the Galactic Senate from the Star Wars prequel films, and rightly so, but as long as Ian McDiarmid doesn't show up to hurl said platforms at the guests, I'm sure everyone will enjoy themselves.
If the new theatre is received well, the company is looking to create even more custom designs so maybe we'll see them make their way to Canada eventually.
Feature image courtesy of Oma Cinema via Youtube.com