When Angie Green-Hill set a fundraising goal for her annual mental health
auction, she wasn’t expecting to reach it so quickly.
“[the support] has blown my mind,” Green-Hill said. “We raised $10,000 in the first
24 hours.”
Proceeds from the online auction are donated to support mental health services
at Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital. Thanks to community support, Green-Hill was able
to donate $20,000 this year.
“People are amazing,” Green-Hill said of her auction supporters. “They want this to succeed, and they know that money is going to a very good place.”
Mental health services are a cause very close to Green-Hill's heart. She had previously received treatment in Soldier’s Memorial Hospital’s day program for a mental health crisis and says her experience contributed to saving her life.
“Nobody needs to suffer with this,” Green-Hill said. “It's debilitating.”
Angie’s Auction takes place in May of each year to honour Mental Health Month. Green-Hill's supporters have raised almost $100,000 through five successful auctions. The community continues to grow and rally around the “hidden problem”, as Green-Hill describes it.
"Mental health has a very limited budget so if I can help them bring in $10,000- $20,000 every year then that's what I'm going to do. They saved my life, and I'll give back until I can't do it anymore.”
Thanks to Green-Hill's donations, many improvements have been made to Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital’s mental health services. Exercise bikes have been purchased for the unit and renovations have been made to the Extra Care Area to increase patient comfort.
“Angie’s dedication to fundraising for Mental Health Services over the past five years has been a tremendous asset to Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital,” said Brandon Lewicki, Program Manager for Mental Health Services at Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.
There are also plans to refurnish the visiting room, named in Green-Hill’s honour for her dedication to the program.
“On behalf of our team and patients, I want to thank Angie for all of her time
and energy to improve the patient experience, and contributions to our
program,” Lewicki said.
Though Green-Hill has received recognition for her advocacy, including a nomination for Citizen of the Year, she remains focused on making a difference in the community she has called home for 45 years.
Green-Hill would not be able to give back without the support she is given from her community, including many volunteers, sponsors, and local businesses.
Last May’s auction was sponsored by Northern Birch Boutique and KC’s Upscale Garage Sale. Local businesses also donated items for bidding, a gift Green-Hill was especially gracious for during the pandemic.
“I can't thank everybody enough,” Green-Hill said of her sponsors, volunteers,
and community members. “I can put their name on whatever item they donated, but to me, that's not enough.”
Green-Hill looks forward to continuing her yearly auction in support of Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital’s mental health program and building community awareness.
“With National Philanthropy Day coming up on November 15, we believe it is so
important to highlight the work Angie and her team have done to support
mental health services,” said Lisa Stanley, Director of Finance and Operations for
the Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Foundation. “Angie’s efforts show the many ways people can give and make a difference within the community.”
Green-Hill's circle of support gives to her cause in so many ways. She would like to give a special thank you to her parents, husband, children, coworkers at the Salvation Army Thrift Store, Erin Abbott, Maggie Buchanan, Melissa McIntyre, Kate Bailey, Wes Brennan Construction, and Leslie Newhall.
Banner image: Angie Green-Hill (image supplied)