News release from Furry Friends
Cats. Most are purring, snuggling family members. But not all. Many are mistreated and abandoned. Furry Friends is here for cats needing help to recover and restart their lives. Last year we rescued over 550. Cats that don’t get adopted find a home for life at our shelter that is donation funded and volunteer-staffed.
Keeping our “lifers” cool during hot summer days is critical to keeping them healthy. We’ve housed rescued cats at our shelter for well over 20 years. During those years when the heat hit we’d scramble to borrow old window a/c units and fans. They didn’t do the job though. The cats would actually get sick.
Heat can cause diarrhea due to food spoilage. There can be an increased spread of viruses like upper respiratory, asthmatic kitties have a harder time breathing and decreased activity which leads to weight gain. It also encourages diabetes, pancreatitis, heart disease, and periodontal disease. Stress will lead to fighting and Increased aggression towards volunteers who have to endure the heat too!
We dream of all the cats in our care and volunteers being comfortable no matter how hot it is outside. It’s an ambitious goal, but we need $12,000 to buy an industrial air conditioning system for the shelter. We’re asking cat lovers to help us get there by donating at furryfriendsbarrie.com. Even a small amount will help get us there.
For more information, contact Mark Adams at 705-241-2907 or asktheboard@furryfriendsbarrie.com.
Furry Friends Animal Shelter (www.furryfriendsbarrie.com) is a non-profit, no-kill organization dedicated to providing shelter and love to abandoned, lost or rescued animals in the Barrie community. We do not euthanize healthy animals for any reason. We are a registered charity (#882610124), funded by generous donors and supporters, and operated completely by dedicated volunteers.