News release from Collingwood General and Marine Hospital
A COVID-19 outbreak has now been declared on CGMH’s Medical Unit. This is in addition to the active COVID-19 outbreak on the hospital’s Surgical Unit, declared on Saturday, October 8th.
Multiple COVID+ patients have been identified, however, impacted patients have been isolated and enhanced measures have been put in place, such as increased cleaning of high-touch surfaces on the Units, the division of the Unit into COVID+ and COVID- zones, and contact tracing is underway for patients and employees.
Visitor restrictions are now in place for both the Medical and the Surgical Unit, except in the case of palliative end-of-life patients and essential caregivers, which have been approved by the Department manager or Hospital Coordinator.
Diligent mask wearing while in the hospital is essential for an approved visitor. Hospital issued masks must cover the visitors mouth and nose, and must remain on for the entire visit. Visitors are not permitted to eat or drink while visiting with any patient, including floors such as OB that are not currently on outbreak. Visitors that are not adhering to the hospital’s masking guidelines, will be asked to leave.
“Protecting our most vulnerable patients is of the highest priority for the hospital and our caregivers. When visiting the hospital please follow all posted hospital guidelines, to help ensure we keep our patients, employees and physicians safe,” says Mike Lacroix, CGMH President and CEO.
Both Units remain open to patient admissions, which have been divided into COVID+ and COVID-negative zones.
Banner image: Collingwood General and Marine Hospital