Thousand of people in Dublin, Ireland lined a busy street on Halloween night for a parade that never happened.
Video footage shows hoards of people lined along O'Connell Street expecting to see a Halloween celebration, but seeing only boring regular traffic.
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The erroneous information was posted on the website myspirithalloween.com which lists details of hundreds of Halloween-themed events happening around the world.
People hung out for nearly an hour until they got the hint that nothing was going to happen.
It was first thought that the fake information was a deliberate hoax, but a representative for the website claims it was a simple mistake and has apologized.
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The spokesperson told the Irish Times that one of his content creators had come across references to a previous Halloween parade, and mistakingly assumed it would happen this year.
“If we had heard before the day that the parade was not going to happen we would have removed it but no one alerted us. It was a mistake. Do you think we would do all this SEO for a joke? We are highly embarrassed and highly depressed, and very sorry.”
@peterfarrelly #halloween #fakeparade #dublin #o ♬ This Is Halloween (From "A Nightmare Before Christmas") - Hairy & Scary Creatures
Feature image from Peter Farrelly via TikTok