On March 22nd, Finding Them Homes held their annual Gala to raise funds for their cause and celebrate all that they have already accomplished.

The "Vegas Night" theme was brought to life in a room strung up with twinkly lights and accented with fuzzy dice, playing cards, feathers and of course, bling.

The night consisted of great food, exciting prizes, featured speakers and bustin' a move on the dance floor to cap it all off.
Many of the guests represented both adoptive parents and foster parents of the dogs rescued by Finding Them Homes. The room was also filled with board members, volunteers and other supporters who help the organization continue to do what they do best. It was evident that all who attended shared one common trait: an absolute love for dogs.

Finding Them Homes is an organization dedicated to helping remote locations in Ontario reduce dog over population by adopting their dogs out to forever homes, running spay/neuter clinics in the communities and providing dog food and supplies.

Sarah Coppard, of Finding Them Homes, kicked off the speaker portion of their event with some rather impressive statistics. 2018 marked the 6th year for the organization and with it came a substantial amount of accomplishments to celebrate. In this past year, FTH rescued 556 dogs, completed 35 official rescue trips, held 4 veterinary/spay clinics, and allocated $149 000 toward veterinary care. The total number of dogs they helped get adopted since 2012 reach 2422.
Guests also heard from featured speaker, Ella Linklater, who shared stories of many rescues she lead in remote First Nations Community, FTH co-founder Julia (Jules) De Zoete and a foster Mom with a very special story.

FTH is looking forward to a bright future helping many more pups find a safe and happy place to call home.

For more information about Finding Them Homes, click here.