Searching for Canada's best ski community, Mackenzie Investments has launched a national competition that will see the winning community receive $50,000 (along with some sweet, sweet bragging rights).
With no shortage of amazing hills around our area, all you have to do is head over to the website and register a team to represent one of them. After creating a "Peak Profile", various challenges will be issued where you will have to complete them, post them to social media using a special hashtag, and then encourage people to vote on your team's Peak Profile. Whoever makes it to the Top 5 will then be voted on by a panel of judges to find out who takes home the grand prize!
We are rather spoiled when it comes to having places to carve so what are you waiting for? Head over to the website and register a team!
It's time to represent!
Featured image courtesy of David Guerrero via pexels.com