from CNW Group
Maple Leaf Foods has released an updated "Canadian Hot Dog Etiquette" guide to help Canadians ease back into social outdoor gatherings in celebration of National Hot Dog Day (July 21) and throughout July's National Hot Dog Month.
In the summer of 2019, Maple Leaf Foods released the first-ever Canadian Hot Dog Etiquette guide, which Canadians "ate up." Now, after a long period of social isolation and solo hot dog dining, Maple Leaf Foods released updated hot dog etiquette to help Canadians avoid a "frank faux pas" when dining with friends at their summer barbecues.
"At Maple Leaf Foods, we know the passion that Canadians have for hot dogs," said Janet Riley, Maple Leaf Foods, Vice President of Communications, also known as the 'Queen of Wien'. "Over the past year alone, Canadians have purchased almost 1 billion hot dogs at retail – that's serious sausage love. So we want to offer Canadians tips on how to enjoy their beloved wieners."
Notably, although Canadians and Americans share a border and a love of similar foods, new research shows a frank distinction when it comes to favourite hot dog toppings. Canadians clearly favour ketchup on their wieners (45 per cent) while data from the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council shows Americans clearly prefer mustard.
However, Canadians and Americans agree that hot dogs taste the best straight off the barbecue. 59 per cent of Canadians said BBQing is their favourite method, while boiling is second (19 per cent) followed by microwaving at a low 6 per cent.
"Although Canadians and Americans differ in their favourite toppings choices, the two nations share a love of hot dogs that is unmistakable," Riley said.
The Maple Leaf Foods-authored etiquette endorses gravy and cheese curds on hot dogs and underscores the appropriateness of eating hot dogs with mittens and gloves in Canada. "Hot dogs are the ultimate handheld food," the etiquette states. "Plus, eating with your hands is the ultimate environmentally-friendly way to go."
Despite Canadians' natural politeness, they shouldn't feel compelled to take tiny bites or feign fullness when enjoying a sacred wiener. "Five to six bites is the recommended limit for a regular dog, while eight to 10 is acceptable for a jumbo dog at the ballpark," reads the etiquette.
In the "don't" category, people should not fret about sending thank you notes after a meal that includes hot dogs. A simple text is just fine, but again not necessary or expected. In addition, a hot dog should never be called a sandwich. According to the etiquette, "hot dogs are sacred in Canada and the name stands with or without the presence of bread. But a sandwich without the bread is just – well, ingredients."
feature image: Pxfuel