The Keep Talking Virtual Gala is back once again in support of the Canadian Mental Health Associations' youth programming, with guest speakers, musical performances, and delicious food. The best part? It all gets delivered right to your house!
The youth services at CMHA support those between the ages of 12 to 24. Services range from crisis intervention to counselling and case management depending on individual needs. The common goal across all our youth services is to help youth explore the impact of mental health on their daily lives, improve their coping skills, and to encourage wellness.
The Youth Mental Health and Wellness Centre is located at 134 Anne Street South, here in Barrie. The current facility will undergo a full renovation to transform it into a place that will enable them to serve the youth and families in our community better than ever before. In order to achieve that goal, they will need the support of the community to help raise the $600,000 the renovations will require. They are currently almost at the $200,000 mark and the Keep Talking Virtual Gala will help them push even closer to their goal.
Along with being able to watch the gala live or at your leisure, tickets also include a delicious 3-course dinner, delivered right to your door from Liberty North. You'll get a salad, dessert, and a choice between two main courses!
The Keep Talking Gala takes place on October 29th and you can get all the details here.
Featured image: Breakingpic via pexels.com