With Conservative candidates in the June election noticeably absent from local debates - and others across the province - Barrie-Springwater-Oro Medonte Liberal candidate, Jeff Lehman, today urged those candidates to show up.
"This is bad for our province, it is bad for democracy. This is part of our job, and it's probably the most important part of our job, speaking with constituents."
Lehman noted there have been 63 ridings, including his own, where debates were skipped by the Conservative candidate (In Barrie-Springwater-Oro Medonte Conservative Doug Downey has attended just one of three all-candidates meetings). You can't pick and choose which parts of the job you do as a politician, said Lehman. Nurses can't say, "I'm going to take care of IVs. But I'm not going to check blood pressure."
"I’ve had the opportunity to meet with thousands of my constituents at the doors so far this campaign and share with them our plan to make life more affordable and to keep Ontario open. Unfortunately, scheduling conflicts meant that I was unable to attend the debates. I am always happy to answer any questions residents have and would encourage them to contact me through my campaign office."
- Andrea Khanjin, Barrie-Innisfil Conservative candidate
Some Conservatives have suggested there are so few undecided voters that it's a more valuable use of their time to knock on doors as opposed to attend debates.
Lehman said that's "pretty cynical", adding, in many cases the debates have been live-streamed, so in addition to the people in the audience, they reached many more people. The message sent is felt much more broadly among the public than just those in attendance.
"When candidates debate local issues, it engages people in politics, it becomes real, it drives engagement in the process. By dodging these debates, Doug Ford and the other conservatives are taking for granted the trust that people put in our institutions, in democracy. "
During his time as mayor of Barrie, Lehman said he attended more than 100 town hall meetings, "You stand at the front of a room, you take the microphone, and you answer the questions, even the ones where the answer might not be popular."
Lehman says the least politicians can do is to show up for an hour or two at an all-candidates meeting, especially now.
"Coming out of COVID, we have some hugely important choices to make as a province and elections should be about debating our plans, showing people what our plans are for the province."
"That's democracy."
(Barrie 360 has reached out to Barrie Conservative candidates Doug Downey and Andrea Khanjin for comment)
feature image: Barrie 360