Sometimes the right book or movie just jumps right out at you but sometimes you need a little help with deciding what to dive into next. Thankfully, The Barrie Public Library has an awesome tool to help!
Getting new recommendations couldn't be easier: Just head over to the Next5 hub, fill out the form with as much detail as you can, and that's it! You can choose what genres you like, any other likes or dislikes you have, favourite authors, or anything else you think might help. You will either get a personalized list emailed to you or, if you're feeling adventurous, you can choose to have the items placed directly on hold so you can pick them up as soon as possible!
So, if you're bored at home and looking for your next book, e-book, magazine, or movie, get your next five recommendations from the Barrie Public Library (for free)!
Featured image courtesy of Koshevaya_k via pexels.com