A busy couple of hours early Tuesday for Huronia West OPP.
They seized four driver's licences, impounded three vehicles, and laid numerous criminal and traffic-related charges … in just two hours.
A 23-year-old Barrie resident was charged after being clocked at 141 kilometres per hour on Highway 26 in Springwater Township, and not having insurance.
A 22-year-old Meaford resident was pulled over on Highway 26 in Clearview Township. Police say he registered 133 kph on the speed gun.
Another driver was charged with being impaired after a stop in a RIDE check in Springwater.
At the same RIDE check, a few minutes later, officers could hear a scraping noise coming down the road toward them. It turned out to be a vehicle missing the rubber on one rim.
A 39-year-old Springwater woman was charged with impaired driving offences.
banner image: Ontario Provincial Police