It wasn't one of those light bulb turning on, 'a-ha' moments. The idea behind The Gripper Cord Connector was born from years of frustration.
"I would get so fed-up walking up and down the ladder on construction sites to move or reconnect cables. Every time I'd have to either cut the tape or the zip tie and throw it in the garbage," says Wasaga Beach resident Blair Brown.
After spending time in research and development and securing a patent in the United States, Brown's solution was finally born. The Gripper Cord Connector is designed to keep cord couplings securely together, "for safety and convenience."
Brown says The Gripper™, a patented two-piece device that snaps together around cords in seconds, is designed to keep the cord coupling securely in place.

"The Gripper was developed in 2012 for the purpose of holding the male and female cords together because tying them together is not good for the cords and can prevent certain hazards," says Brown. "I would always use hockey tape on jobsites but it's a nuisance to get it off at the end of the day."
Along with being efficient, Brown says The Gripper can be used as a reusable cable tie.
"Countless zip ties end up in our landfills and it's just bad for the environment, this can replace those one-time use of zip ties in almost any application."
To contact The Gripper or to find out more about this business, click here.