Meet The Rainbow Fish. Marcus Pfister’s story of the colourful fish’s journey into the deep sea, what he discovers along the way and the underwater creatures he meets, will be in Barrie Feb. 29. Mermaid Theatre, from Nova Scotia, has created the children’s show with puppetry and black light.

Pfister, an author, and illustrator was born in Switzerland attended art school and trained as a graphic designer before he started creating innovative children’s literature. The Rainbow Fish, first published in 1992, took the bestseller lists by storm. More than 30-million copies have been sold worldwide in more than 50 different languages as well as different formats.
The award-winning theatre company has become one of North America’s most respected theatres for the young since it was founded in 1972. Its shows have represented Canada in the United States, Japan, Mexico, Australia, England, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Holland, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Vietnam, South Korea and Taiwan, Bahrain, and the People’s Republic of China.

The story of The Rainbow Fish unfolds at Georgian Theatre on Saturday, Feb. 29 at 2 p.m.
To reserve seats call Ticketpro at 1-888 655-9090 or City of Barrie Theatres Box Office at 705- 739-4228.