More people will be allowed indoors to use indoor sport or fitness rooms in Ontario. Effective Saturday, August 15, these facilities can have up to 50 patrons while ensuring physical distancing of at least two metres.
“Many of our gyms and fitness centres are owned and operated by small business owners and they are struggling,” said Premier Ford. “To help them get back on their feet and hire back staff, we are making these changes so they can serve people. I continue to urge everyone to follow the strict public health protocols to ensure everyone can have a safe workout.”
The revised capacity limits are on a per room basis. They will apply to the gymnasiums, health clubs, community centres, multi-purpose facilities, arenas, exercise studios, yoga and dance studios and other fitness facilities that are able to follow the new guidance.
Businesses, not-for-profits, and municipalities can choose to take more time before implementing this change in capacity limits. Facilities also have wiggle room to draft their own protocols that are more restrictive.
The government will also invest $8 million through the Ontario Amateur Sport Fund to help the province’s sports organizations, from Alpine Ontario to WushuOntario and every sport in between.
“The government knows it has been a difficult road for the sport and recreation sector these past several months,” said Lisa MacLeod, Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries. “This funding is providing much-needed stability and support to a sector that provides services to many businesses and non-profit organizations. With these changes and investments, we will once again show the world that Ontario is the best place to play sports.’