More than 200 people have already died in collisions on OPP-patrolled roads this year and provincial police don't want those numbers to increase as people gear up for the last long weekend of summer.
"Despite OPP officers working 24/7 across the province to keep roads safe, drivers have contributed to a significant increase in preventable road deaths this year," according to a police news release. "Noting that traffic volumes have increased this year over 2021, the OPP has responded to 203 fatal road collisions in which 229 people have died. Among the fatalities are 33 motorcyclists, 17 pedestrians and nine cyclists."
Police said off-road vehicle deaths are also up significantly at 19, and boating fatalities are close to last year's mark of 20.
Of those road fatalities investigated by the OPP, 41 of them have been in Central Region compared to 23 this time last year - a 78 per cent increase.