A number of statues have popped up in Toronto with a rather mysterious message.

Those passing through the Eaton Centre and Union Station have recently spotted statues, like the one in the photo above, that hint at some seriously wild news.
The statues show The Rolling Stones icon supported by a base with the date "06 29 2019" written on it. As of now we're stuck with a few guesses of what this could possible mean...An upcoming show? A new album?

There's no official confirmation about what these statues mean, but our fingers are crossed it has something to do with a visit from this legendary Rock N' Roll band sometime in the future.
The Stones will be on the U.S leg of their "No Filter Tour" from April to June this year and we can't help but notice the detail of the hashtag below these statues: "#STONESNOFILTER"
If your mind is already buzzing with questions, we suggest staying tuned to Rock 95. Rumour has it they'll have some information on the matter.